This week we visited the "Freedom Farm Sanctuary".
From the farm's website: "Freedom Farm Sanctuary is a new Israeli enterprise based on similar models around the world. The sanctuary was created out of a vision shared by hundreds of thousands in Israel, who aspire to make a significant change in the attitude of human beings towards other earthly creations, who dream that one day we will be able to view animals as creatures entitled to lives of freedom, with whom we can live side by side harmoniously without hurting, abusing or exploiting them, and without taking their flesh, their liberty, and their soul".
I can testify that a calm and pleasant silence prevails at the farm, despite the many dozens of farm tenants; Chickens, cows, donkeys, goats, sheep and other species of ducks, pigs and more. The reason for the silence is the animals' calmness, security and lack of stress. We are used to seeing chickens in crowded coops, cows in barns full of manure and filth and the noise inside a chicken coop educates us that this is the nature of the chicken. At the freedom farm we discover a completely different reality.
I Highly recommend going on the tour, it gives another look at animals that we're educated all our lives that their essence is to serve us, even though they have their own lives, feelings and emotions.
You can find all the details and information, also regarding on-site tours, on the Freedom Farm website: